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November 8, 2022

Montmartre: Cradle of Artists and Bohemian Life

Visiting Paris is an unforgettable experience. However, each neighborhood has its attractions. So choosing the best of them proves difficult and depends on the preferences of each one. In this article, we will see two neighborhoods you can not miss during your trip to Paris: Pigalle and Montmartre.

Introducing Montmartre

On our first stop, we will see one of the most sought-after neighborhoods in the French capital: the famous Montmartre. It is known mainly for its artistic history, the Sacré-Cœur Basilica with a white dome on its top and its nightclub district. This artist´s corner marks the nightlife by being a bohemian neighborhood. There is a constant presence of artists who sell their drawings on the streets. In addition, the surrounding brings all the classic style that characterizes Paris. By frequenting these same streets, many famous names produced and marked art in the late 19th and early 20th centuries during the Belle Époque. Nothing less than Monet, Renoir, Picasso, and van Gogh were some of them!

Montmarte Sacré-Cœur
the Montmartre Sacré-Cœur Basilica.

Many points of interest stay in this area, such as a small vineyard on Rue Saint-Vincent. It continues the tradition of wine production on the Ile de France and yields around 500 liters a year. Another point of interest is The Musée de Montmartre, where painters Maurice Utrillo and Suzanne Valadon worked in their second-floor studios. The house was also Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s first address. Other sights include the Place du Tertre and the cabaret du Lapin Agile, where artists worked and gathered. Also, tombs of artists such as painter and sculptor Edgar Degas and film director François Truffaut are in the Cimetière de Montmartre and the Cimetière Saint-Vincent. There is also the Espace Dalí, with presentations of Salvador Dalí´s work.

Inside the Sacré-Cœur Basilica
Inside the Sacré-Cœur Basilica.

Other touristic highlights

As the region is overflowing with places to visit, we have made a small list of our favorite spots.

  • The Dalida house in Rue d’Orchampt;
  • The marché Saint-Pierre, an area of clothes stores, in the south-east;
  • The working-class districts with immigrant communities;
  • The boulevard de Rochechouart for its concert halls inspired by the 19th-century cabarets;
  • The Rue Lepic with its Les Deux Moulins café, made famous by the 2001 film Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain;
  • Le Chat noir is a cabaret where the clientele at the beginning of the 20th century was composed mainly by French artists;
  • The “funiculaire de Montmartre” is a funicular railway used instead of the steps to ascend to the highest part of the hill.
Montmartre funicular
The Montmartre funicular railway.

Staying in Montmartre

Are you interested in staying in this lovely neighborhood for a while? So you will love to enjoy some rest in a magnificent two-bedroom apartment in the heart of the charming Montmartre only minutes from the Sacré Coeur. There, you will find everything you need, like restaurants, supermarkets, banks, and more. Otherwise, another option is our adorable two-bedroom apartment in the heart of the 9th arrondissement, an attractive place with several distinct living spaces. It is located in a stone building with a caretaker and a small flowered courtyard. Do not forget to check our links for more details.


Heading southwest, at the foot of the hill where Montmartre is, we will find our second stop, the red light district of Pigalle. We can find a large stores variety specializing in instruments for popular music. The region is famous for being essentially touristic. Indeed, there are many theaters and shows for adults on Place Pigalle and the main avenues. The neighborhood´s cheeky reputation led to the World War II nickname “Pig Alley” used by Allied soldiers. Most tourism guides indicate Pigalle as the ideal destination for those who want to experience Paris by night.

Close to Montmartre
The famous Moulin Rouge in Pigalle.

Two notable venues are Le Divan du Monde, a theater that serves as a concert venue, and the famous Moulin Rouge, a world-renowned cabaret. We can still locate the homes and workshops of artists such as van Gogh and Picasso. There is also a public bus called Montmartrobus serving the area. You will find the terminus at the Pigalle station of the Paris Metro.

As the day draws to a close, it’s time to say au revoir to this bohemian neighborhood. But do not forget: if you want to enjoy the excitement of Montmartre and its surroundings during your stay, check out our offers. The apartment of your dreams awaits you there!

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